Sunday, April 12, 2009


The 2009 Hurricane Debate Institute is offering the following debate programs:

A new offering at the HDI, the Public Forum Debate Workshop will emphasize the art of persuasion (ethos, pathos, and logos) in the context of the lay audience and the age of the media soundbyte. Students will learn how to research topic areas strategically and efficiently. Students will then learn how to conceptualize, simplify, frame, package, and genuinely "sell" their advocacy to a member of the lay public. Additionally, students will learn how to take strategic advantage of speaking first, speaking last, and questioning and answering during the crossfire segments.

In this brand new and innovative concept for a debate workshop, students will explore and develop their thinking and speaking skills through games and exercises involving public speaking (impromptu and prepared), group problem-solving and discussion, all the formal styles of debate (Lincoln-Douglas, Public Forum, and C-X as well as parliamentary debate) and other communication based exercises. Students will learn to cope with speaking anxieties, to organize and support their ideas, to critically evaluate and respond appropriately to the ideas of others, and to deliver effective messages. While the format and content will not directly prepare students to participate in competitive debate or forensics, it may serve as a precursor to such participation. The primary goal of the Speech and Argument Skills Camp will be to empower students through public expression to become better thinkers, speakers, writers, listeners, and leaders. Appropriate for students of all ages, but especially for grades 5-8. The camp will be personally taught by Professor David Steinberg.

The LD Debate Workshop will debate two* value-based resolutions, to be selected by the LD director, Mr. Randall Martinez. LD students will learn the process of analyzing a value-based topic and the strategy of both affirmative and negative case construction, concentrating on successful 1AR strategy. They will also learn how to cope with all types of situations, including the fast blippy debater, the incomprehensible debater, the postmodernist debater, and the wanna-be policy debater. During the workshop, students will give multiple critiqued speeches and will have daily written progress evaluations.

The Policy Debate Workshop will focus on skills development in the context of debating the 2009-2010 national high school resolution, Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase social services for persons living in poverty in the United States. On the first day, Policy Debate Workshop students will receive, for initial review and discussion, a packet of evidence, which will include a 1AC with extensions and answers to the negative strategy, as well as a fully flexible negative strategy. In executing the various negative strategies through Lab-wide Debates, critiqued practice debates, and a mini-tournament, students will learn how to deliver both effective constructives and winning rebuttals on both the aff and neg sides.